Sunday, September 14, 2008

Alvin or Theodore?

Isn't he cute??!! Not really. Chipmunks have to be the sneakiest, meanest little critters ever. I have a garage full of them. Ok, so not full, but there are 3 that I know of. It's getting cold out now, so they are hard at work making their homes for the winter. I sit and watch them all day, run in and out of the garage, cheeks stuffed full of whatever chipmunks store in there. I'm worried Jess's jeep may be a nesting spot, though I've yet to see any evidence of that. Apparently there is no real way to kill them, other than a "410". Alright, but if we start shooting at them, we will shoot other things. So that won't work. I hate going into the garage because I keep see Clark W Grizwold and the squirril attacking him out of the Christmas tree. I often feel like Clark, so I'm not convinced that wouldn't happen to me. Hmm...what to do??

Donny to the rescue!! My neighbor is currently working on a chipmunk trap for me! He claims they are so tricky they can get in and out of a regular trap without setting it off. So, being cleaver, he is re-vamping a trap that they won't be able to get out of. I was very thankful for this, until I realized if it works, I'm going to have to dispose of a dead chipmunk. This bothered me for a few minutes, until I realized that what I have a teenager for!!! He just doesn't know it yet.


Aunt Jan said...

Clark: Christmas Vacation is one of our favorite movies! And yes, I can understand how you feel! You will have to let us know if the trap works! Your neighbor might have to patent that - a new invention! Good Luck! Aunt Jan

Laurie said...

Linda Douglas (from St. Regis) tried to pick up one and it bit her! I like the trap idea--but disposal??? Not my idea of a good time! Can they get in if the door is shut? Maybe a new door seal is in order. Yes, at times, I think you might be Clark's cousin!!!

Aunt Jan said...

Hey ~ here's another idea. Throw the whole trap away, make cookies for the neighbor guy and get him to make you another trap. OR, pay the teenager to do it ~ ha ~ there's not enough money to get me to do it!! What WOULD Clark do?? :-) Aunt Jan